воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Sorry for the potentially incoherent nature of this post:
for some reason im feeling reallu unmotivated to detail what happened on thursday because i think itll might cause me to reflect on how little i remember and how many mistakes i potentially made. Thursdays usually go as follows: clas until 6:15 followed my shopping for susans thursday outfit (never exceeding $14 and never going very far past her ass) followed by a liquor run, some alone time in my room, shower, pre-game, drunk bus, BLACKOUT. Not every thursday but def most. The trend is usually blackout because i never end up eating much on thursdays but this thursday was different. Susan had to take her awful autrailaians to the airport to pick up their friend, and susan(her roomie) had the night off from work so we had plans to grad Chipotle, go halloween costume shopping and then drink. So that happened and THANK GOD I ate because by the amount i drank, the drunk bus would have been covered with nothing but i nice display of me dry-heaving. We pre-gamed in the awwful austrailian duoapos;s room, then relocated into susan and steffs room and then relocated to jays room. Jay got back from volleyball and had no interest in groving it so we went our separate ways. Met up with susan to board the drunk bus with the usual corwd of UM students excpet this wekeend was fall break (no class on friday..which is my normal sched) anyway. I had imagined that the grove would be extra crowed because of this, but instead a lot of poeple had gone home for the weekend, or away on some type of tournament-- so the same amount of drunk UM kids were crowding to get a seat. I struck up conversation with this guy next to me in the way that i usually mack it to guys-- by making fun of the trashy retarded girl that hes talking to. AND OBVIOULSY my game has not failed me yet cuz he goes "your awesome..WHATS YOUR NAME, where are you from..and i go new your and he goes dont tell me long island. And i was like- i have a fucking great answer. Im from manhattan. TURNS OUT.. So was he. Private schooler DUH, but lived on the west side. His name was todd green and he took my phone and programmed his number. We continued conversation and parted ways when we got off the bus. I text him the next morning like he asked but he was a freshman and lived in my old dorms- not a significant story, just a good start to the night.
frogs is the place where most pepople go to dance
boardwalk is where you go to play pong, get cheap pitchers and if youre totally wasted-- eat really thin, cheesy pizza
tavern is a mess on thursdays. The whole place is the size of my living room, you get beer spilled everywhere and ive never enjoyed myself there
sandbar, MOapos;s and a couple of other places are strict about IDapos;s so in conclusion i usually go back and forth from frogs to boardwalk. Tonight (thursday) i attempted Moapos;s and got rejected and simultaneously lost susan to a crowd of people. Went into board walk becuase nothing was going in frogs (meaning no one was dancing yet) and met up with a bunch of people. Saw this cute guy from my american studies class and struck up good conversation over the pong table. Ive talked to him a couple of times outside of class while weapos;re both locking up our bikes, he works at the bar on campus- overall decent prospect for the night. Then i have no idea...I REALLY DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED from then until then next thing i know im fucking making out with this guy i met last year and really didnt like. THIS IS A HEAVILY PUBLIC MAKEOUT SESSION. I hear my friends in the background cheering me me on and i SO DID NOT WANT TO BE WITH THIS GUY but for some reason i couldnt muster a no. Finally he left and i went to talk to some of the people who i assumed to be the cheerers. NEXT ...nothing. The next thing that i remeber is that im leaving the bar WITH A TOTALLY DIFFERENT GUY. He happens to be the roomate of the guy i was oringinally macking (from my class)...he asks me to leave. I say yes. BEAR IN MIND i do not know if we had kissed before this, or why at all he woudl have gotten me to leave with him but i did. Vigorous makeout session in the cab- lots of good straddling. We go back to his house off campus. We proceed to engage in some pretty hot foreplay but i was really in a very drunker state where i was thinking things, and could only manage to get out a very limited amount of words. That sounds awful but the ones that i did manage to get out were the ones that mattered. GTE A CONDOM. So we does and sturggles with it - but thats because i dont know if he could get hard. He tells me to get on top and i do but he isnt hard... I dont remember much else???
the next morning i wake up because i slid his arm out from under me and i woke up. By the time he had come back into the room, i was already getting dressed. AND IT OCCURS TO ME THAT I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS KIDS NAME IS. When he comes back i ask WHY THE FUCK WE ARE UP AT 8 oclock and he says that he is driving to tampa. We make small conversation. He drives me back to the university. And as im getting out of the car i go "so i have to know, whats your name" he chuckles and says "greg, whats yours" i say lana, thanks for the ride"..and that was it. Im not sure if he really didnt know my name or just wanted to even the playing field, but it didnt really bother me
i proceeded to go back to my room and fall asleep for another couple of hours and then spent the rets of the day with jay
things with my and jay are beyond great.
this morning i had breakfast with josh one of my best guy friends, leah (aussie that is coming home with me over thanksgiving... And jay showed up later. After breakfast leah told me that i have puppy eyes when i look at jay- which doesnt make me feel bad, but doesnt make me feel great either.
have a really sick halloween costume ..im being a circus money and go a sick red vest at goodwill- along with other fantastic shit
life is good. Bu im pretty far behind in my work.

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